Wednesday 28 September 2011

Lose Weight, Exercise First Thing In The Morning

There are many possible excuses standing between you and your desire to lose weight. Some of these may include “I don’t have time before work” or “I am not a morning person” with too many more to list here. I would hope that as you are here reading this article you are not looking for the excuses but rather the advice and support needed for you to reach your exercise and weight loss goal.

I will cover why it is good to exercise in the morning shortly but wanted to quickly mention that weight loss can only be achieved through action. You need to do your best to fit something in regardless of a busy schedule or any similar excuse. Just ten minutes walking is enough to raise your metabolism and set you up for the day ahead. Avoid falling into the comfort zone of making excuses and push yourself to do something, no matter how small each day.

Why exercise in the morning?

Research shows that people who exercise constantly tend to be people who exercise in the morning. These people follow a routine and by doing so get consistent results.

Along with a good nutritious breakfast, exercise first thing in the morning helps to raise your metabolism. This means that your body is put into a calorie burning state that can last for ten hours or more following exercise. This is excellent for weight loss.

Exercise in the morning will ‘wake you up’ and make you feel more energised. Brain activity is increased as a result of exercising making your more alert and productive. This is better utilised in the day as opposed to when you are asleep at night (e.g. if you had trained in the evening).

Generally exercising in the morning will not get interrupted by other aspects of your life. There is less chance of things cropping up and taking priority early in the day. Mornings are normally very structured allowing you to allocate a consistent exercise slot into the routine. You always have the option of getting up a little earlier in the morning to create extra time whereas creating time elsewhere in the day may not be possible. Getting up earlier may be hard at first but do it often and consistently enough and your body clock will adjust. Exercise promotes better sleep when you go to bed meaning you will recoup your lost sleep in the morning with better quality sleep at night.

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